Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Reflection script

This project has included many things that I'm sure will help me and many others throughout their lives, in which ever career path they decide to follow. It was well put together and provided us with an effective way to communicate with each other and accomplish the given task. My topic was uploading, which was a vast and very good topic to connect to just about anything. Blogging and open source software are a huge part of our online community and will continue to evolve. The online technology available to us makes me realize how lucky we are as a group to have things like this at our disposal. All of the web 2.0 tools we used help us to further develop our skills for working with these technologies in the future. The only thing I think should be fixed about this project, especially for the part we are working mostly in a group, the Wiki page, is that different teachers have different requirements for their students participation and different due dates. I realize all teachers have different styles of teaching but communication between the teachers needs to improve so a universal rubric and due date for each group's participation in the Wiki page can be created so students are not stuck doing most of the work for their particular due date, which was as you may guess the situation I was put in.

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